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Meditative Magic

Meditative Magic is an art and wellness class that will introduce participants to the brief history and significance of meditation through mandalas, color theory and purposeful intention. Participants will be able to create their own mandala with the tried and true: trace and transfer technique that many call magic.

The baseline intent is for them to leave feeling a bit more grounded and ready to take on the world with their new magic after the class. Participants will be instructed using a social emotional based learning style infused with the GRR learning strategy which is gradual release of responsibilities that includes, a brief lecture, demo, release and remediation.

Drawing and coloring has been known to be extremely therapeutic and merging the two styles of meditation, skill building and practice will all the more equip participants to do these on their own time.

It’s FREE! All you need is a laptop, iPad or phone.

Printer paper, pencil and colored pencils and/or crayons and markers.

Save your seat at the link below:

Later Event: April 1
BrunchBabes Brand Bar